Mattress Firm: The Sleep Games

The Ask

Mattress Firm has a long history of helping people find better sleep. In their pursuit of understanding their consumers, Mattress Firm and its agency partner uncovered and defined a unique area of disruption: Junk Sleep. Turns out the amount of ZZZs you get is only as good as the quality of them. Mattress Firm asked BDG to introduce the concept of Junk Sleep to its audience of millennial parents and young women, showcasing the brand as a partner in achieving better rest and well-being.

The Insight

Worries about relationships, money, work and health are keeping Americans up at night. At the same time, our culture prioritizes hyperproductivity in all of those areas.

  • 69% American lose sleep due to stress
  • 77% A28-38 can’t sleep because something is on their minds

(Source: This Is the No. 1 Reason Americans Are Losing Sleep)

The great irony is that our lack of sleep is hindering our productivity. We may not be able to change generations of conditioned thinking — but we can leverage American’s desire for achievement and turn sleep into a game we can win.

The Creative Approach

Studies also show that laughter produces melatonin —a key chemical in aiding sleep. What if we could gamify the sleep experience and help people laugh about their stressful realities while they explore the things they’re passionate about and discover real sleep solutions?After all — why do we need to take sleeping so seriously?

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The Solution

The old adage goes: “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book.”

In 2022, BDG launched the Comedy Studio. Seeing a growing appetite for humor and understanding that comedic content is 1.25X more engaging than promotional content we saw a clear opportunity to reach our audience.

The Sleep Games is a 360-degree activation designed to help consumers fight Junk Sleep and win at finding the ultimate sleep satisfaction. Anchored in custom content and high-impact media, we used consumer insights and a hefty dose of levity to generate awareness and consideration for Mattress Firm as a solution to the scourge of Junk Sleep.

Running across our BDG portfolio, the program was strategically designed for the places our audiences comes to for entertainment and information.

Video #1: A Dad's Battle With Junk Sleep

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Video #2: A Mom's Battle With Junk Sleep

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The Results


combined video views across Scary Mommy and The Dad Facebook and Instagram pages, receiving mass awareness


lift in purchase intent


lift in recommendation intent


lift in brand affinity, driving significant lift for Mattress Firm.

‏‏‎ (Source: Nielsen Content Effectiveness Study, 2022)